Women By Parvej Husen Talukder At the dawn and dusk of my existence, she emerges as womanhood’s beacon. She, the embodiment of love, lights up my world. Like shimmering particles of light painting the canvas of life’s journey, my profound reverence for the feminine spirit. Every fervent plea of myContinue Reading

I HAVE THIS TO SAY AGAIN! Thomas Abidoye (Nigeria) Connecting our continent and its people is a challenging task. However, it is achievable, starting with a healing process as instructed by Yeshua. Now is the time to speak truth to power and become a force to be reckoned with. IContinue Reading

An Embrace Alike By Michael Hislop I call out Silently in my heart Into endless night Creator Are You there Do You know Me No thunderous booms Nor lightning cracks Not a single sound Yet All around Reaches to Me Touching Me Pinpricks arise In sheer Delight I Awakening WithinContinue Reading

Autumn Breezes Emile Pinet September skies show signs of Fall as geese trumpet their honking call. But before rivers start to freeze, Autumn breezes strip bare the trees. October dons colors of gold, orange, and red, inked by the cold. And as the hoarfrost spreads with ease, Autumn breezes stripContinue Reading

Tariqul Islam Tuhin, is an Bangladeshi Writer, Entrepreneur born on June 25, 2003, in the picturesque Chatmohar Upazila of Pabna District, Bangladesh, is a remarkable individual whose life journey weaves through various facets of creativity, entrepreneurship, and digital influence.   CEO- of founder: Smart And Best Book published And theContinue Reading