WikiABC: A Bangladeshi English encyclopedia dedicated to providing accurate and diverse information in English. It focuses on local history, culture, and global topics, aiming to bridge knowledge gaps and support educational endeavors. WikiAlpha: Another online encyclopedia, which might have a different focus or scope. For the sake of this comparison,Continue Reading

HOMELAND! By NURULLAYEVA RANO I grew up in your womb. Paradise in Uzbekistan I loved the beatiful from the bottom of my heart. I called it my homeland, from the heart. My free land, my independent country, My soul is dedicated to you Always cheerful, happy I love you beautifulContinue Reading

Akhmedova Sevinch Botirjon‘s daughter was born on November 03, 2004 in Mahsumobod neighborhood of Karshi city. She lives in ” Mahsumobod” neighborhood of Karshi city. Her articles were published in a number of international newspapers, “IJARETM”. Currently, she is a 4th-year student of the Foreign language literature at the FacultyContinue Reading

Makhmasalayeva Jasmina Makhmashukurovna was born on August 24,2008 in the Mubarek district of the Kashkadarya region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Now, she is studying at 28th school in Mubarek. She is creative, knowledgeable and faithful by nature. Abstract  By Makhmasalayeva Jasmina Makhmashukurovna This article provides a general analysis ofContinue Reading

A Moonlit Connection Nigora Tursunboyeva Beneath the stars, where shadows play, The moon awakens, soft and gray. She speaks in whispers, far away, A gentle muse, to guide your way. Her light caresses the night’s cool air, A tender touch, beyond compare. For you alone, she lays bare, The dreamsContinue Reading

TIME IS A FLOWING RIVER By Sarvinoz Tuliyeva Everyone faces various difficulties and obstacles in their life. In such situations, a person sees himself as a helpless servant who can do nothing and becomes depressed. So, what kind of people do you think can overcome difficult situations and endure difficulties?Continue Reading