Shahid Abbas is a multi-awarded International Author and Poet from Karapla, Tandlianwala Faisalabad Pakistan. He is the author of “Words from Nature” and the co-author of “We Speak In Syllables”. Shahid is working on a poetry collaboration book “Verses of Meraki” to be published in the USA. His works wereContinue Reading

My Success Nozima Gofurova It’s interesting… Someone causes every person to rise, grow, find her place in society. I also have such people in my life. These are not one, but 4 people. The first: my favorite mother tongue and literature teacher, Sadiqova Hayotkhan. SHe gave me her knowledge fromContinue Reading

FORGOTTEN NAMES In 1959, for the first time, a large-scale exhibition of the USA was held in Moscow, in modern terms, a presentation of new world-class information technologies, especially cars impressed Soviet people: Cadillac, Lincoln, Ford, Chrysler. Some samples of electronic technology were not accessible to our understanding, then theyContinue Reading

“Focus on people and quality education” Nilufar Ruxiliayeva A nation with high human value, Children of perseverance, In the neighborhood, the spirit is also an example Thank you beautiful hospitable land! Homeland! Homeland is a word stronger than mountains, stronger than floods, bright as morning, beautiful as paradise. Homeland, youContinue Reading

YOU’RE A WOMAN! Lenus Lungu Let your voice be Sweet as a violin I live happily and easily. The love muse of millions of pens. Always be a unique woman, He is the most holy and the most Wonderful on this earth. Maternal love with A beautiful face We honorContinue Reading