Sherova Orzigul Alisher qizi :
Together with our determined young people, we will definitely build New Uzbekistan!” says our president Shavkat Mirziyayev, expressing his confidence in young people. Youth is the future of every country, its future! For many years, this slogan has been a legend in languages. The driving forces of revolution, development and progress are, without a doubt, young people. In the history of all ages and nations, youth has always been in the main place. And this is not for nothing, because young people have active qualities, strong knowledge – they are people who are thirsty for justice, courage, and honor.

Why young people? Because their country’s tomorrow is the pillar of development. Therefore, investing in them, focusing on them, is an effort for the future. Today and since time immemorial, special attention has been paid to the young generation in our country, to their education and occupation. It is one of the most important tasks in New Uzbekistan to educate young people who have modern knowledge and skills, who set a clear goal and strive for it. Yoshla is the tomorrow of every people, every nation. They are literally the country’s greatest treasure, priceless wealth. Today, according to statistical data, 64% of the population of our country are young people, that is, people under 30 years old. And it is these 64% of young people who are the pillars of our country’s development. It is the priority goal not only of our president, but also of the whole nation to bring up the representatives of the future with high morals, intellectual maturity, knowledge and discipline, to receive high-quality and modern education and, most importantly, to bring them to adulthood in the spirit of patriotism. This goal is the basis of social development and success. After all, educated, enterprising, broad-minded and intellectually capable young people can make a worthy contribution to the development of the Motherland, its development, and the establishment of New Uzbekistan. Therefore, there is a strong focus on the education of young people. In his address to the Oliy Majlis, President Shavkat Mirziyayev said, “New Uzbekistan starts from the threshold of the school, from the education system.” It is not for nothing that the young generation starts learning from school. School is a center of knowledge for them. For this reason, our country’s president intended to gradually implement the goal of educating young people. As they already noted, “If we can combine the knowledge and experience of the older generation, the qualities of foresight, with the enthusiasm, courage and selflessness of our youth, we will definitely reach the desired goals!” Great things are being done in our country to ensure a bright future for the young generation, to educate them with a wide range of thinking, potential and intelligence. Under the leadership and initiative of our head of state, specific measures are being implemented to direct the potential of young people to noble goals and unite them around constructive ideas.
Due to the initiative and care of our countryman, young people have reached the heights of modern knowledge and development, and with innovative initiatives, ideas, enthusiasm, achievements, and victories, to become worthy and loyal children of our countryman. All opportunities and conditions are embodied.

The goal is clear – to support young people, to bring up a mentally mature, knowledgeable, physically healthy, intellectually developed, independent thinking young generation. In this regard, our first president, Islam Karimov, said, “Our children must be stronger, more educated, and more happy than us.” So much trust, so much attention, so many opportunities for the youth. After all, knowledgeable, enlightened youth is the pillar on which this country always rests. It is true that not every young generation can be knowledgeable, moral, and intellectually mature. But it can be overcome, because youth is a possibility. The American poet Lould says about this, “Perhaps youth is immoral, but it is quickly cured with age.” This phrase embodies the meaning of youth – it means that all problems and difficulties are solved quickly, obstacles are easily overcome, and dreams are fulfilled. It is a time when you want things to come true and when you work hard.

As the future of the country and its development is in the hands of the youth, we should make it our main goal that they should justify such a great task and trust, and grow up to be intellectually mature, intelligent, broad-minded, patriotic and loyal people. We need a patch. After all, we, the youth, are the pillars trusted by our country’s president. As they said, “Today, for the development of our multi-ethnic nation, our Motherland,
He is working selflessly to create a new renaissance of Uzbekistan. Our young people, who are joining us with big dreams and big plans, are our main support and support. You are literally the prospects of our country, the creators of our bright future!” It is the duty of every young generation to maintain this confidence. As the well-known poet of our people, Erkin Vahidov, said, “The country, the people, and the youth itself will be pleased with the young men and women who gave their energy in their youth.”

Sherova Orzigul Alisher qizi
Student of

Uzbekistan state university of World languages

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