Happy Birthday Russian Author Alexey Evgenievich Kalakutin, Kalakutin was born on October 30, 1973 in the city of Gorky, Russia (now Nizhny Novgorod). In 1996 he graduated from the philological faculty of the National State Pedagogical University. First publication – “Khokhloma pattern” (children’s story-tale), 1990. Main publications: poems and fiveContinue Reading

Living in unity by Zbigniew Roth today I miss happy human faces that are nice to us with blue eyes full of heaven and beautiful human dreams for the words of encouragement flowing from warm lips in a difficult time for us where we are looking for the humanity that weContinue Reading

Teenager Redwan Ahmed has been nominated for the International Children’s Peace Award-2022 for working against child marriage. A recommendation has been sent to the Netherlands Government’s Peace Rights Committee to nominate him for this award. For children it is known as Children’s Nobel Prize. Redwan himself confirmed the information onContinue Reading

E-literature magazine Kavya Kishor has crossed two years of regular publication with glory and success. The publishing program of the monthly literary magazine began with its first publication online in August 2020. Kavya refers to verse literature, humorous sweet sentences, poems or rhyming expressions, although Kavya Kishor is primarily aContinue Reading