Angela Kosta was born in Albania in 1973. She has been living in Italy since 1995. She has published 9 books: novels, poems and fairy tales in Albanian and Italian. Angela Kosta is deputy editor-in-chief of the international newspaper Albania Press and A New Window. Se is also a translatorContinue Reading

Acrostic Poem “Special” – Linda Edwards S ignature style is what I avoid, my unique P ersonality being more important. I try to E xcel in me being me – and choosing my C reativity instead. Being different I choose I ntelligence and that is a good call and anContinue Reading

Sample The Extreme Sonnet By Emile Pinet Escaping from boredom and frustration, you evade reality within dreams. Where, though you’ve never had a vacation, you can climb tall mountains and fish fast streams. Magic exists in the kingdom of sleep; it’s a never-never land of your own. And as youContinue Reading

Poems By  E. Martin Pedersen Jigsaws spend it working jigsaw puzzles fitting the one into the other. When I ran a chain of vending machines I had few worries and little means Fill the stacks in the racks Empty the coins with a clack Whistle while you snack In anContinue Reading

A Better Tomorrow Emile Pinet From my window, I see children at play, their color blindness encourages me. They do not let skin shades stand in their way playing there together, where all can see. I hear laughter with no sarcastic sting, there are no racial slurs used to degrade.Continue Reading