Niginabonu Amirova (Writer) is selected as the Youth Representative of KKI in Uzbekistan. Recently she is selected for this title by The founder and Youth Editor of KKI. Niginabonu Amirova will work for Kavya Kishor International with children’s and teenagers from Uzbekistan by the advice of Nilufar Rukhillayeva (The RepresentativeContinue Reading

Kavya Kishor is now Kavya Kishor International Kavya Kishor, the publisher of Kavya Kishor English(KKE) and Kavya Kishor Bangla (KKB) has now officially become Kavya Kishor International (KKI). It has been established as Media Home of the International Creative Commons. KKI launches its monthly publication series in September 2023 entitled Luminance. KavyaContinue Reading

Anjir Liton is a renowned Bangladeshi poet and children’s writer, celebrated for his contributions to Bengali literature. Born on 17 June 1965, he has made significant strides in enriching children’s literature in Bangladesh1. Here are some highlights of his career: Director General of Bangladesh Shishu Academy1. Chief Editor of Chorabarshiki,Continue Reading

Education: Eshika receives the Millennium Fellowship 2023 from the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) and Millennium Campus Network (MCN) joint initiative. Among the 17 students from various departments of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Nazifa Nawar Eshika from the Department of Social Work is one. Eshika expresses happinessContinue Reading

Supplication  By Eshpulatova Mukhlisa One feeling is bothering me I feel anxious and worried This spring is on a rainy day But it’s burning me inside My sins have increased O, God heal me yourself Looking for a word for repentance How many nights I can’t sleep I asked andContinue Reading

ON A JANUARY NIGHT candles drip slow as how we’d love to time to go while fledglings in the stereo’s nest continue to chirp over snowfall’s precious window flakes and wine nurses a ten-year-old crop through our lips and the moon dallies behind clouds sketchbook in hand awaiting. WELCOME TOContinue Reading

Kavya Kishor was established on August 1, 2020 by Parvej Husen Talukder as a literary and cultural Publisher. Its media properties include: Kavya Kishor International and Luminance at Kavya Kishor Bangla published in Bengali at Kavya Kishor E-Magazine at KKI publications are regularly read in over 100Continue Reading