True Ramayana By Prachi Gupta Have you ever wondered on the question, how many Ramayanas? I didn’t. Being a fiction writer it never happened to me to write on mythology until I had a discussion with a Jain friend who said according to Jain Ramayana, it is Lakshmana who ultimatelyContinue Reading

Parvej Husen Talukder Today’s children are the future of tomorrow, and every child’s education is a vital component of our social and national development. Moreover, the acquisition of education is a fundamental right of every child. When a child receives proper education, it contributes to their creative development, and ifContinue Reading

Alisherova Dilshoda: Teaching translation is an urgent task in the process of teaching students the language. Translation provides a global understanding of the information presented in the target language through a native speaker. In addition, translation from the studied language into the native language can be used as a meansContinue Reading