Alisherova Dilshoda: Teaching translation is an urgent task in the process of teaching students the language. Translation provides a global understanding of the information presented in the target language through a native speaker. In addition, translation from the studied language into the native language can be used as a means of controlling understanding, and translation from the native language into another language can be used to control the level of formation of grammatical skills.
Most students naively believe that it is enough for a translator to know several thousand English words, be well versed in grammar and have a good vocabulary at hand (and the thicker, the better, in their opinion). To dispel these myths, in the first lesson we will try to find out what translation is, what types of translations exist and what it takes to become a translator.
A. D. Schweitzer (1973) He argued that translation is an important auxiliary tool that allows language to perform its communicative function when people express their thoughts in different languages. Thus, translation is an act of intercultural communication. When translating, it is necessary, first of all, to correctly understand the content of the sentence in the original language, and then correctly and fully convey this content through the language held in the co.
What should a translator know and be able to do? He must have a certain stock of English words (including certain terminology in a certain field of knowledge); he must know the grammar of the English language, otherwise words will remain only a building material from which nothing can be built. The translator must be able to use a dictionary (know the alphabet, all the features of building dictionaries, be able to determine by their service characteristics which part of the sentence the word belongs to). In addition, he must have an idea of the area of knowledge to which the translated text belongs. There are different types of translations, but oral and written, literal and artistic translations are more common. We also decided to pay attention to literary translation in oral or written form, and without observing all the rules. Since we wanted to translate from English into Uzbek, our lesson was dedicated to the English language and its place in the modern world. Indeed, although English is not the language of the people, which surpasses all other languages, it is called lingua franca, that is, a language adapted to communicate with people whose native languages differ from each other. The colonial past of Great Britain, the development and formation of the US economy, travel and tourism helped the English language to gain its current status. Learning English is a very exciting process.

Author: Alisherova Dilshod

Student of Uzbekistan State World Languages university.

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