Online Desk: Ashik Ahmed received the “Outstanding Leader Award” for volunteer work, leadership in social work, leadership in various activities for the development of youth society. Lion club International the world’s largest international services company. Its roots spread to almost all corners of the world. Attracting the world Lions ClubsContinue Reading

Today is the Birthday of Bangladeshi Author Mohammad Ankan, a familiar face among young writers. Beginning of writing in childhood. He regularly writes in national and foreign newspapers, magazines and periodicals. All branches of literature have equal skill. Competence, self-assurance and commitment are increasingly showing the future of this youngContinue Reading

Jakhongir Nomozov is a young Uzbek poet. He was born in 1997. He has been writing poetry and journalism of Argentina Active member and coordinator of the working group of “Juntos por las Letras” international writers on Uzbekistan Representative of Turkey’s Poetry Spring (ŞIIR SARNICI) magazine for Uzbekistan. His poemsContinue Reading

BAUDELAIRE AND THE BREEZE Rodolfo Zamora Corea Of my bastard verses Her hips moved violently, lulled by the roar of a hurricane, were the violent winds from Quincey’s mouth, Or maybe Poe’s exotic nightmares and his ravens. aromatic poisons, hallucinating with hemp flowers, pulling the nipples and their nerves, turningContinue Reading

EPISODES OF NIGHT Grasshoppers chirp with a loud voice As if Tashkent is being boiled in bowl. There, far away, with seductive look Some prostitutes are smoking cigarette. Cars are flooding in the magistral They pause a little without any aim. From Nexia up to Nissan you may see SmokeContinue Reading

CHILDREN ARE SPECIAL AND GROWING UP By Maic Corbic I am especially happy. because I grew up in the area Which study gives me life It is not easy at all. I know that it’s my time. was created only to be like that as I create I know thatContinue Reading

Provisions Follow the Man Imperceptible baby wails find no home in such closets of grand illusion, a drafting table angled to meet the rising sun; I have never been a morning person, but others seem to have mastered the more sleepless of arts among us, the dandy walkers and muslinContinue Reading

Writings by Francesco Favetta Italy (Sicily) 🇮🇹 Learn to love wounds Continue the story in the folds of time in the days in the rain even in storms incessantly goes on nothing stops it imposing creates emptiness. The voice without his words it is never tied to the roots neitherContinue Reading

Three Poem by Lora Pak Kim 1. I will fill up my heart with more love I will fill up my heart with more love, So the blood quickens up through my veins, And I’ll wrap up my soul in new patience, So that happiness comes in the end. AtContinue Reading

1. Understand There is no love by heart in this soil, And non-loyalty this world does spoil Hearts have been wounded from idlers above Left but is hypocrisy, you couldn’t that shove. Chastity is lost in manners of men, No humanity in real or in dream does remain All areContinue Reading