THE GODDESS OF THE WORLD Gonzalo Perez R. He is the precious angel that God made, perfumed flower full of poetry, the man kneels down; To pay homage and homage. It is the splendid and beautiful harmony, His body is a mystery poem his look is the brightness of theContinue Reading

Poet Allison Grayhurst’s Poems  Blackout If you knew the fierce immersion, tarnishing your already dilapidated innards would you have sunk so close to death, your heart racing, aching with excruciating escalation, skipping beats? Would you have preoccupied your mind with other people’s good fortune, grow bitter at your own failureContinue Reading

On the wings of dreams It is not difficult to dream without a dream, There is a consequence, everyone step. Good, bad, bad, small Everyone has their own dream man’s! In order for a person not to be full of living, his heart is given a world of dreams. ThereContinue Reading

English translation of poems by Kama Sywor Kamanda Translated by Charitha Liyanage , 2022 Woman of tomorrow Visionary woman, free woman, You’re the star that fascinates the poet! Your presence as a light between two nights, Brighten our horizons and expose our dark souls! I am your companion; Find theContinue Reading

Abulkasim Mamarasulov was born on February 5, 1958. In 1974-1979 he studied at the Samarkand State University named after Alisher Navoi. In the words of the famous writer Odil Yakubov, his heroes are living people. After all, the main task of literature is to create the image of living people,Continue Reading

Two Poem By Dr Sigma Satish Conflicts Conflicts among us help to realize the art of war I hear a great deal of talks, about peace. I lock my mind. Now whom should I listen, I scribble verses of life That may help you, to find the lost you inContinue Reading

LAZY BEGGARS by Nematjon DUSTMATOV Behind every success is hard work,… It is not for nothing that our wise people say, “If you work, you will be happy.” Even this tiny ant works tirelessly, sweats and honestly from summer cancer until late autumn. He carries two grains on his shoulder…Continue Reading

THE SYNCHRONIZED PELICAN FLYING TEAM Make its ascent & descent upon the wind In search of fish, a resting place for the night…. And if finding neither They move on Yes, they move on And on And on But are okay Because they are together May we, too, find ourContinue Reading