POEM BY RABIA BEGUM – INDIA Rabia Begum was born 29th June, India (State Assam, city: Guwahati, Noonmati). Educational qualifucation : BA (ECONOMICS), B.SC. (Information Technology), MA (Literature), MBA (Marketing), D.EL.ED Profession: Teacher by profession, Citizen Scientist by passion, anchoring, news readerand poet by hobby. TEACHER Teacher – A Hope ofContinue Reading

Sivadas Swami Matam’s poetry  Earth is our hometown. Amidst the cosmic expanse, we’ve found a jewel of blue, with profound life. A planet teeming with nature’s grace, Our haven in the vastness of space With oceans deep and mountains tall, Forests are green, and deserts sprawl. Endless skies stretch above.Continue Reading

POEMS BY IRENA JOVANOVIĆ FROM SERBIA Irena Jovanović, born in 1971. in Zaječar, Srebia, is an artist and poet writing in Serbian and in English. Her first poetry book „Let It Be“ was published by Inner Child Press in USA in 2013 by contest.   WAVES   Water mountains risingContinue Reading

POEM BY BISWANANDA SINHA Biswananda Sinha belongs to India, the largest democracy in the world. And this is the holy land where Lord Krishna was born and that makes Sri Sinha infinitely proud of his beloved motherland. Biswananda was born in a very lower middle class family at Silchar,in theContinue Reading

Poetess Ms. Lee Hee-ju was born in 1965, went to Japan in 1989, and returned to Korea in 2010. She made her debut in 2022 by winning the Best New Artist Award from the quarterly literary magazine “Lovers”. Her poetry collection “National Highway” is available, and in 2023, she receivedContinue Reading

Dr. Abdeljabbar Choukri is Psychologist, sociologist poet and writer born in Rabat, Morocco. – Holder a Doctorate with a very honorable distinction in Sociology from Mohammed V University, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Rabat/Morocco. – Holder a Doctorate in Psychology with a very honorable distinction from DIANA International CollegeContinue Reading

Poet Ms. Kim Jisu graduated from Dankook University’s Department of Theater and Film and majored in arts management in graduate school. She debuted as a poet in 2023 with the ‘Monthly Poetry’ Recommended Poet Award. For her poem ‘Girl’s Letter’, in 2024, she received a Certificate of Appreciation from theContinue Reading