FLYING INTO THE LIGHT by Kay Watkins There was a bird flying around Looking for a place to call his own… There was no place to be found, He would continually roam Pollution, deforestation kept decreasing safe places To find food or build a nest, there were such limited spacesContinue Reading

MOONLIGHT HAIKU The golden moonlight Sparkling gems on the water Sparkling life in me Life’s born of water With soul imbued by the moon Sundown starts the day Optional notes: “And it was evening and it was morning, one day” (Genesis 1:5). Jewish tradition/belief explains that when G‑d created time,Continue Reading

Coming Peace Michael Hislop Peace is the end of war Turning weapons into plowshares Peace is a silence that descends Absence of noise Peace is a lack of words No needing explanation Peace is a priceless flower That grows and blooms In diplomatic soil Peace is a precious goal soughtContinue Reading

AN ODE TO MY MOTHER ON MOTHER’S DAY, MAY 8, 2022 By Prince Dato Rdo Sri Emmanuel M. Cabusao (from Republic of the Philippines) The woman of my life, the eternal source of my inspiration and strength in all my undertakings: from the time I was a child to theContinue Reading

A Quote from Plato Kay Watkins A Quote from Plato said: Be kind For everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle Another version we’ve heard is “Don’t judge until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes” AND don’t complain that you have no shoes…look at the person that hasContinue Reading

War Dead Freedom fighters  Md. Jasim Uddin Bhuiyan Independence war of 1971 Many of you have not seen it You have read the history and heard the story I have not seen the freedom fighters killed in battle. Bloody warrior wounded by gunshots I did not see him die ofContinue Reading

The Bewitching Hour Shahid Abbas Deep in the dark of night lying awake your image burned into my imagination eyes closed as dreams of you descend like warmth deep in the cold of winter as the bewitching hour approaches thoughts flash back to our first meeting when universes collided thatContinue Reading

Country for life Md. Jasim Uddin Bhuiyan Poet and Journalist Our country has become independent In exchange for three million lives But the country is not yet free from enemies The gates of destruction are in the hearts of many. Chaos Tyranny Lawlessness It is going on invisibly Patriotism onContinue Reading

Fukushima Taro Aizu   My hometown, Fukushima Was turned into a strange town By the nuclear plant accident. Earthquake happened, Tsunami arrived, The nuclear plant exploded, Traffic lights went out; No one left in this town. I can’t believe They are contaminated By cesium winds, These green, green Rice fields.Continue Reading