A New Year’s Poem by Kay Watkins NEW YEAR, NEW BEGINNINGS, NEW ROADS, NEW CHOICES Sometimes the road can be very twisty with different stops (choices) made along the way… seeing where we end up & knowing that it’s a good place is AWESOME. If it’s not, keep on traveling. EnjoyContinue Reading

Merry New Year Michael Hislop Years of Time Comes and goes Rolling and falling Pins of Time Last day of Another Year And I am Moody and Grateful I still breathe The Sun and Air Reflecting Despite better Judgment Have I used It wisely On Life Co.’s Balance Sheet OlderContinue Reading

JUST BE KIND by Kay Watkins JUST A HELLO, just a smile, sometimes that’s all it takes. To span the gap for one alone & a friendship make. A kind word, a helping hand can reach down into the depth Of one who may be in despair, wanting to takeContinue Reading

HIDDEN SUN: Kay Watkins Haiku Chain I can’t see the sun Hiding out behind the clouds Please come out today I need the sun’s warmth And sun’s light for my playground For me it’s outside Not closed up inside But rather let me explore Nature all around That is myContinue Reading

Oceans of Time Michael Hislop Mixing bowl Meeting Place Medium Nexus Place where Sun and Moon Join and Meet Mingling Powers Varying tides Pulling the seas Tugging the Heart-strings Of you and Me Kissing Sun Caressing Moon Soaring winds Blowing sands Cresting waters Swimming soaking Grounding us Washing clean RitualContinue Reading

Poems By Dr Sigma Satish ( India ) Conflicts Conflicts among us help to realize the art of war I hear a great deal of talks, about peace. I lock my mind. Now whom should I listen, I scribble verses of life That may help you, to find the lostContinue Reading

ARTISTIC STATEMENT by Mbizo CHIRASHA Mine is not Arts for the sake of Arts. It is a revolutionary INSGINA carved into the artistic plaque of my DNA to speak FREEDOM of expression and then freedom after EXPRESSION. The footprints of my revolutionary walk are dipped in the paths of RESISTANCE. MyContinue Reading

Four Poem by Ewith Bahar NECROLOGY A necrology from your passing Hits like ravaging earthquake I stumble and try hard to firmly stand Looking at our loving photo My fog-glazed eyes, shed the agonies A deep sorrow that crushing my vein No ways to cope with this bitterness No moreContinue Reading

The white clouds By Emina Đelilović-Kevrić I wake up with the scent of the women Who abandoned their homes On the thresholds they left the traces of their blood All clothes from their children, memories on their first cry While the sounds of the Muslim’s call to prayer and church bellsContinue Reading