COLORS Photo & poem by Kay Watkins Watercolors and India ink Melding Bleeding Colors On the page Really a photograph Taken from a moving car Melding Bleeding Colors With time and space Swirls of ideas Vision and feeling Melding Bleeding Colors Into my soulContinue Reading

GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING” or to the “Dutch MONA LISA”… What does your innocent look narrate about, Tell me what your red and rosy lips say. Your pearl earring like a loop for the crowd, When the world is kneeling at your feet, obey. On your head is aContinue Reading

Dr Sigma Satish (India) Conflicts Conflicts among us help to realize the art of war I hear a great deal of talks, about peace. I lock my mind. Now whom should I listen, I scribble verses of life That may help you, to find the lost you in the warContinue Reading

The Argument of Plates One day the plates in the scientist’s room held a competition. The terms of the competition were like this. Each plate should have said how it had been brought here, therefore it should have been determined which plate was more useful. Firstly, the crystal plate onContinue Reading

ZAKHRO SHAMSIYYA POEMS Oh, my friend To be honest, I cannot understand you. We talk to each other in different languages. You are always saying something I don’t know And I always answer: “We are colleagues!” Oh, my friend, Race and language do not matter for us Even social statusContinue Reading

Warrior spirit More time and more true reason neverending Story ancient existence scattered seeds tired faces. All is silence I seek in me breaths suspended moments free breaths unexplored frontiers torn torments. We are planets distant lands rebel comrades invisible threads swords of love brothers and sisters. I live byContinue Reading

FOGGY DAYS HAIKU When I see such days It feels, oh so magical It’s ethereal When you cannot see But a mile in front of you It’s now mystical The ground now merges With the water & the sky All stillness & peace Photos & poem by Kay Watkins 11/2022Continue Reading

ENDINGS by Kay Watkins With each beginning also comes an end But only leads to new beginnings. The caterpillar ends its part Only to become the butterfly The autumn leaves die & fall Only to become renewed with fresh leaves A baby’s born Then grown, the person dies after havingContinue Reading

AS STRONG AS THE WOMAN NEXT TO ME (a compound haiku) Photo & poem by Kay Watkins I’ve never met her* But today I knew her well With her I was found Such a strong woman Able to build others up Not tearing one down That’s the way to beContinue Reading

Poems By Eva Petropoulou Lianoy Haiku Married with my books, because no man can understand the sorrow of my eyes Women Birth Re birth Creation Re creation Death Resurrection My life A page A chapter An epic Encyclopedia for the broken hearts Love Always i loved No matter what theContinue Reading