The Argument of Plates

One day the plates in the scientist’s room held a competition. The terms of the competition were like this. Each plate should have said how it had been brought here, therefore it should have been determined which plate was more useful.

Firstly, the crystal plate on which the picture of the rose was carved nodded his head.
-I took one of the attractive positions in the drawing room of a distinguished minister. In the birthday of the scientist, his minister friend gave me to him.

The simple, unattractive five glasses stayed very silent with the envy to this dish.

The beautiful kettle said mincing in an affected manner:
-A famous composer bought and brought me from Germany. The scientist showered so many praises that as a result, the composer sold me to him at a high price.

The “tall and slender” crystal vase was delighted:
-My owner bought and brought me from the biggest store in the capital of France.

The dazzling flower vase shone more brightly and began to speak:
-I was made of the piece of a pearl that had been taken from the sea. The aunt of the scientist sent me to him as a gift from Turkey.

So, all the shining plates boasted of themselves. Only five simple glasses kept silent and said nothing from the beginning of the competition to the end of it. They were so ashamed that they lowered their heads. Do you know, why? Because they were bought with the poor money of the scientist.

The argument has gone on for two days. The plates got angry and threw themselves at each other. As a result, all of them got broken and scattered over the room floor. Although the scientist was sorry, he was obliged to throw them on the litter-bin. Five simple, unattractive glasses took the prettiest place in the room. Because they were the honest goods.

Translator in English,Ramila Khudatova

Ali Jafaroghlu (Aliyev)
Presidential Scholarship Holder of the Republic of Azerbaijan, writer-publicist, leading consultant of Agstafa District Education Sector, Member of Azerbaijan Writers and Journalists Union, Iraq Turkmen, North American Writers Union, Academician of the International Academy of Literature, Art, Communication (Germany).
Address: Republic of Azerbaijan, Agstafa district


Ali Jafaroglu (Ali Jafar oglu Aliyev) was born on July 4, 1968 in the city of Agstafa of the Republic of Azerbaijan in an intellectual family. In 1984 he graduated from the piano department of the 7-year children’s music school of Agstafa named after H. Arif, in 1990 graduated from the faculty of public correspondents of the Republican Council of People’s University, in 1992 from the history faculty of Baku State University. In 1987-1989 he served in the military service in Georgia. He is a candidate for master of sports in Greco-Roman wrestling.

In 1992-1993 years he was a teacher in Hasansu village secondary school of Agstafa region, in 1993 he was an assistant to the head of the Executive Power of Agstafa region, in 1993-1995 he was a teacher in Gazakh branch of Ganja State Pedagogical Institute, in 1995-1999 he was in the Youth and Sports Department Chief Inspector, from 1999 to 2011 he worked as a senior consultant in the Department of Education, Health and Culture of Agstafa District Executive Power. Since 2011 he has been working as a leading consultant in the Education Department of Agstafa region and is a second-class civil servant. In 2014-2015, he also worked as a regional correspondent for the magazine “Cultural Life”.

Since 2003 he has been a dissertation student of the Institute of History named after A.A Bakıkhanov of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. He has published six scientific articles about historical meetings of A.A Bakıkhanov, literary relations of Azerbaijan in the XIX century, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, etc. and made scientific reports at various scientific conferences and international symposiums in Baku.

His famous poems, stories, tales, aphorisms and scientific-publicist articles published in “Ulduz”, “Education”, “Cultural life”, “Media and educational innovations”, “Science and life”, “Pigeon”, “Füyuzat”, “Cultural-enlightenment” magazines and “Literature”, “Caspian”, “ 525th newspaper ”,“ Savalan ”,“ Palitra ”,“ Culture ”,“ Azerbaijani youth”, “ Azerbaijani teacher ”,“ Education problems ”, “ Baku ”,“ Agstafa ”,“ Psychologist ”,“ Morning ”,“Novruz ”, “ Faryad ”,“ Haqiqat ”,“ Cik-cik ”,“ Deli Kur ”,“ Dadem Gorgud ”,“ Mubarize ”,“ Eurasia ”,“ Time ”and other newspapers. His twenty pen products were broadcast on Azerbaijani radio.

His poems and stories were published in the collections of poems “Wreath of Poetry of Agstafa” in 2001 and 2002.
Ali Jafaroglu ‘s “My father is my happiness” in 2002, “Towards the summit” in 2003, “Doctor’s dreams” in 2006, “Spring of eighty-five years” in 2008, “Sailor’s journey” in 2013, “Wreath of Aphorisms” book was published in 2014. His seventh book “Sailor’s Journey” was published in Persian in 2019 in the city of Zanjan, the Islamic Republic of Iran.

His literary and scientific-publicist articles were published in 7 magazines, more than 30 newspapers, more than 100 internet portals, as well as his stories published in 8 countries – Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Georgia in 9 languages ​​- in English, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Persian, Uzbek, Tajik and Georgian.

The author of seven books, Ali Jafaroglu has been a member of the Azerbaijan Writers’ Union since 2006, the Azerbaijan Journalists’ Union since 2014, the Iraqi Turkmen Writers and Writers Union since 2018, and the North American Writers’ Union since 2021. By the relevant order signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, Ali Jafaroglu was awarded the title of Presidential Scholar on 01.05.2014.

In 2014, he was awarded the “Golden Pen” media award, and on December 10 of the same year he won the second prize in the journalistic writing competition on the topic “Rights for All!” and the first prize in 2017. He was awarded the 3rd place in the patriotism story nomination competition which was held by the State Border Service in 2015, 1st place in 2019. In 2016 he was awarded by the 4th place in the prose nomination in the “Competition of poems, prose and drama works for young children” by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he took first place in the essay competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2018. In 2018 his poems were published in the anthology of poems “From Karabakh Kerkuk to Canakkale” published in Turkey and his article “Azerbaijani women in the years of repression” was published in the collection of research articles “Cümhuriyyətə işıq saçan qadınlar”.

In 2015, his story “Plane and a piece of wood” was included in the textbook “Azerbaijani language” (for VIII grades of Russian sections). The story “Five Coins” was published in the newspaper ” Adana haber postasi ” in turkish, his “Beş tiyin” story was published in The Uzbekistan Republic’s newspaper “Book World” in Uzbek , in 2018 his story “Plane and a piece of wood” in Georgian was published in the magazine “Modern Children’s Literature” in Tbilisi, on the website of the Republic of Kazakhstan his story “Beş tiyin” was in Turkish, but his story “Walter’s goodness” was published in Russian, his story ” Five coins ” was published in the magazine “Metamorphosis” in Gomel, Belarus, in 2019 , his 2 stories in russian were published in magazine “Ekoloq I ya ” in Belarus, his story was published in Uzbek in “Termez University” newspaper in Termez, 2 stories in Tajik in “Adabie va comea” newspaper in Tajikistan, his 2 stories in belarus were published in magazine “Metamorphosis” in Belarus in 2021, his story “Plane and a piece of wood” was published in English and Ukrainian in international magazine “The Sity Sun” in Kiev, Ukraine, his stories in Russian were published in the North American Writers’ Union’s online magazine “Tvorçeskiy zal”, in literary magazine “Avtoqfaf” in Donetsk, in literaty magazine “Atunis” in Albania, in literary magazine “Taifas” in Romanie in literature magazine “Bezkres” in polyak, in literary magazine “Ost West” in İngland, in literary magazine”Esoiritu Creador” in Argentina and in literary magazine “Bharath Vision” in İndia, 2 stories in English in “East West” magazine in England, 1 story in Arabic in Oman newspaper, 1 story in Russian in “9 Muz” magazine in Greece, In 2022, 1 story in Kazakh on a literary website in Kazakhstan, 1 story in Albanian in the newspaper “Ciceroni” of Kosovo, 1 story in Russian in the magazine “Vdokhnovenie” published in Bulgaria, Russia and Serbia, 2 stories in Russian in the magazine “Humanity” in Canada, in Kyrgyzstan 2 stories were published on the literary website in Kyrgyz language, 1 story in English in “Litterateur rv” magazine in India, 1 story in German in “Word Creativity Forum” magazine in Germany, in English in “The Creatives Magazine” in Florida, USA.

Ali Jafaroglu’s works are published in 26 countries – Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tajikistan, Iran, Ukraine, Canada, Albania, India, Poland, Romania, Argentina, England, Oman, Greece, Kosovo, Moldova, Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, United States of America, in 18 languages ​​- in Azerbaijani, Turkish, Uzbek, Georgian, Russian, Belarusian, Tajik, Persian, Arabic, Ukrainian, Albanian, English, Polish, Spanish, Kazakh, Serbian, Kyrgyz and German languages.

He is married, he has a son, two daughters and a grandson.

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