Eyes are all around Rana Zaman Anyone who doesn’t see him thinks he’s a fool There are eyes like vultures on the walls Each eye has a bulging eye like a fly There are countless eyes in the open space Don’t think that you are in a secret place YouContinue Reading

Certification Hasan Hamid The way you talk, It seems to hear; In the fascination of dew, I became an earthy insect. The way you pronounce even the most familiar words; It seems that no one has ever been like you! My good news, good news every day How many people want to know; No one is like you. Fluently, purely, artistically and in a dreamy manner As you smile, as you wipeContinue Reading

Poems By Neven Dužević ( Croatia ) If… If love happens It will be my fault It will be your fault too Love takes two, everyone knows that If love happens It will be our fault It will be the fault of everyone who allowed us Love takes two ItContinue Reading

Snail Story… This is a children’s story It’s about animal whips Once a snail went Who was the real husband To his wife And her shadow He loved her very much And too sweet That cannot be described The poet cannot say that Because a snail is an animal WhoContinue Reading

Let me love Jishan Mahmud You are mixed in my mind, in my blood, in my bone marrow. I look for you every moment but can’t find you. I want to tell you something from the bottom of my heart. You are my love, you are my soul, you areContinue Reading

TO BE HAPPY Halyna Bokoch ( Ukraine ) Relationships between men and women are built on trust. Loyalty is the most important quality in life because it builds strong relationships. People who love each other get married. A wedding is one of the most important events in every family andContinue Reading

Writings by Kama Sywor Kamanda   Woman of tomorrow Visionary woman, free woman, You’re the star that fascinates the poet! Your presence as a light between two nights, Brighten our horizons and expose our dark souls! I am your companion; Find the devoted admirer in me! With a flower inContinue Reading

Imperfect Now that you’re gone,I fully understand you you,sometimes strange,fears are now becoming a reality we were made for hard times, you were the only one who loved me imperfect some of your words,I didn’t understand, now that you’re gone,I fully understand you, we are made for hard times, youContinue Reading

Writings by Taghrid Bou Merhi   1. HERE I AM!! Like a butterfly who loves brightness, Taghrid said: “here I am” She got lost so they said: “It’s a narcissus rose” She blossomed so they said: “ it’s an iris rose” She planted goodness And good plants get harvested WithContinue Reading