Time and us Time is passing by and with that I am passing too Have many questions to ask to myself Have many answers to give to myself too A lot has changed with passing time Along with has changed my thoughts and feelings Sometimes I searched for myself AndContinue Reading

ETERNAL By Radka Atanasova I spring up from the abyss. From the Infinity. From where there are no senses. I pant. I suffer spumously. And I’m getting out of this. I rumble and crawl angrily. I knock down the rocks. I’m dying. I’m undermining. I ate the stone even. In droughtContinue Reading

The sound of silence By Dilyan Dimitrov In my dream the silhouette of a tramp it depicts happiness, sunk in silence at the bottom of the ocean. Her soul – the cry of the waves of the sea, echoing endlessly. The future – a blind florist, selling hope. Heaven is inContinue Reading

Happy Birthday Russian Author Alexey Evgenievich Kalakutin, Kalakutin was born on October 30, 1973 in the city of Gorky, Russia (now Nizhny Novgorod). In 1996 he graduated from the philological faculty of the National State Pedagogical University. First publication – “Khokhloma pattern” (children’s story-tale), 1990. Main publications: poems and fiveContinue Reading

Dedicated to my dear brother Slepov Valery Pavlovich (5.04.1955 – 7.02.2018) SAFFRON COLOR Passerby: Tell me old sannyasin* Opponent of corruptible flesh Faithful son and spiritual practitioner, Isn’t it scary that you live in flight? After all, if you fall like a stone In the bottomless abyss You will onlyContinue Reading

ZEKİ ÇELİK :Şarkikaraağaç Bey, I was born in the village. Deceased: 1st President of TRNC R. Rauf Denktaş, before publishing Children’s Poems, Nature Poems, Religious Poems, Love Poems and Cyprus Poems, by establishing Zeki Çelik Publishing in 1990, while writing works on every subject in my half-century-long artistic life, IContinue Reading

As the page turns As page turns, so do leaf and man dies, Idea’s come and go, law changes, nature is praised, all day So do man born and dies, so lifes waters my soul Were my ink turns the pages of life like ashes of the world, fade awayContinue Reading

Let there be no war in the world By Bazargul Zivarova. Karakalpakstan May the flower of life never wither. Do not grieve for the Kevils, May there never be a war in the world, What all mothers wish. The earth is the common home of all, Peace is a gift,Continue Reading

He was born in 1954 in Fethiye village of Malatya. Since he is the first child of the house, a baby rose is a baby, but life does not go like a baby rose baby. His father constantly goes to work in other cities, it happens that he does notContinue Reading

The Invisible One NilavroNill Shoovro Welcome to my room You can find me here Busy with conversations With the invisible guest You may find me talking Nonsense with usual humors One exchanges with friends Too close too intimate Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be Possible for you either, To listen anything fromContinue Reading