Three Poem by Mrinal Kanti Ghosh My garden My garden where I was with you in the last morning. I blow away myself. A delightful morning, flower blooms like a beautiful dew and covers my tears. I miss you everyday and night so melancholy was that day. Oh ! Love,Continue Reading

Poems By Francesco Favetta Italy (Sicily) 🇮🇹 Peace Joy and Freedom! And a strong wind blew from East to West and the bells stopped to play their chimes mothers and children united their hearts in an instant. The hands and legs of a thousand men on the march raised theContinue Reading

Some best Poems Nguyễn Thị Thùy Linh Edited by Gjekë Marinaj ENTER THE WORLD I do not know whether I am a green bird with spread wings encrusted jewels Or a slippery eel standing up with her tail? Bewilderedly enter the world Missing your earth passionately. I held my breathContinue Reading

Eyes are all around Rana Zaman Anyone who doesn’t see him thinks he’s a fool There are eyes like vultures on the walls Each eye has a bulging eye like a fly There are countless eyes in the open space Don’t think that you are in a secret place YouContinue Reading

Márcia Batista Ramos Brazil The destroyed windows Ended the winter and the snow that quenched thirst. The city was transformed into ruins on corpses. The wind brings tears, prayers and a foul smell. Life was ripped out like useless pages from a notebook. Life was extinguished and thrown away, justContinue Reading

CHILDREN ARE SPECIAL AND GROWING UP By Maic Corbic I am especially happy. because I grew up in the area Which study gives me life It is not easy at all. I know that it’s my time. was created only to be like that as I create I know thatContinue Reading

FORGIVE ME My inimitable one, Please forgive me. I won’t deny love. Dearly beloved, you see. Don’t be offended, honey, I don’t want to be apart. It was a misunderstanding, Don’t take it to heart. Rivers don’t flow backward, Be the cure for the ailment. You are my worthy flower,Continue Reading

My teacher whose study room is bright Quiet night. The stars tell their lullaby, Moon listens to the tales of the sleepy sky. Wails the breeze playing music, saying goodbye, To the latest stars, cradling them with tie. The world rests, only you are left, My dear teacher, whose classroomContinue Reading

Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be lovedContinue Reading

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe Once upon a midnight dreary, While I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious Volume of forgotten lore— While I nodded, nearly napping, Suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, Rapping at my chamber door. “‘Tis someContinue Reading