Youth passes!
Beauty passes!
Our kindness remained;

An hour, two, a year passes.
Time remains
which is not deleted;
Stronger than anything,
when crying.

A smile passes,
the words flow,
sometimes cures everything!

Thoughts when they are created,
then everything stops,
then we count the days,
long years;

Does everything pass us by?
When we hear a voice;
Who goes from afar,
wants to give us salvation!

Youth and beauty,
the smile on his face is even bigger
a real trifle!

It stands in our hearts
fight with us;
Youth goes slowly,
brings new beauty.

Our years count with wrinkles;
What does he think of us?
they fit well now!

Youth passes!
Beauty passes!
Our soul is left,
which always listens;

Stop, time, stop!
It doesn’t fly, it doesn’t carry;
It does not carry youth and beauty,
what is so important to us in life.

Silvana Jovanovic
Mobile: ++387 60 30 65 154
City: Velika Kladusa
State: Bosnia and Hercegovina

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