Summer with Kamalak!

Kamalak-rainbow(in english)

Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Summer! The heart of this season is full of love and happines! Even the sun, green Nature and wonderful gardens have special beauty and kindness . Especially summer is the favorite season of the little ones. Because they go on summer holiday. Summer shares love to all children! In the Republic of Uzbekistan also school classes are completed in may, and the summer holiday lasts until September. During these three months, children have a rest in different camps or at home with their family. In my hometown, children’s time always goes enjoyable with modern camps, bathing pools , playgrounds and, of course, delicious ice creams! The summer holiday of children of Uzbekistan is really joyous with Children’s organization Kamalak . The Children’s organization Kamalak has been operating under the Youth Union of Uzbekistan since 2001. This organization is loved by so many children. Apart from, there is a lot of youths who grew up with it. This organization always tries to worry about every child and support their talents. Captains of the Children’s organization Kamalak operate in 12 regions of our republic, Tashkent City , Republic of Karakalpakstan and all districts. Currently, the chairman of the Republican Rainbow Children’s organization is Madina Baratova. And the captains of the whole Republic are headed by Rukhsora Shakirova.The Children’s organization Kamalak has organized many new projects by this day. One of these projects is that- “Summer with Kamalak”. As soon as the summer holidays begin, a start is given to this project. Enterprising and aspiring, active captains in all regions of our country take new initiatives. They visit various places.A lot of different events, intellectual games, creative work contests and sport competitions are organized for children at the camps. Of course it’s amazing!
This year, too, according to tradition, this project continues in all regions of our country. Kamalak captains who work in the regions are visiting not only camps. They are organizing this project at also neighborhoods.The activities under this project are rainbow-colored. For example, in June, during “Summer with Kamlak” project the captains of Navoi region visited the children’s camp which called “Perfect generation’’, The captains of Surkhandarya region visited the ‘Amudarya’children’s camp, the captains of Namangan region visited at Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur amusement park, the captains of Fergana region visited School No. 5 in Fergana, the captains of Bukhara region visited the remote neighborhoods in the region and organized the “Summer with Kamalak” project.Within the framework of the project “Summer with Kamalak”, a lot of new projects and events are held in all regions of the Republic, as well as in remote neighborhoods and ovules, in order to make children’s free time meaningful.
Of course, this project is sharing joy again to children.
Summer is more joyful , unforgettable and meaningful with the “Summer with Kamalak”project! This project will continue around Uzbekistan for a long time.

Kamalak-rainbow(in english)

Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

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