
By Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

There are a lot of beautiful and immaculate feelings in the world. One of the purest feelinga is friendship. In friendship, the so beautiful proverbs are hidden. Therefore, “There is a lot of wisdom in friendship!”says our wise people. In fact, people who have a friend are always happy.
Basically, friendship is formed at school,among classmates.Students who study in a class can learn to respect each other, to be helpful, to be a confidant. They even become inseparable friends for a lifetime. In the radiant place, called school, hearts seek to realize the qualities of friendship.
Our ancestors said, ” Dear son, It’s easy to be friends. But it is very difficult to save friendship.” Indeed, friendship should be shaken. The true friends are the joy of their friend- they are glad,pain. They are the shetik to worry. Rejoicing in their achievements, they help to correct their shortcomings and mistakes.
A person who can be loyal and kind to a friend for a lifetime, stand together in good-bad days is a real friend.
If a people has more friends, their life will be the more pleasant. Because loneliness is bad in life. In the work of a single person there is no success and blessing. Therefore, there are beautiful traditions in our people. One of these is “hashar”. The “Hashar” is attended by the closest friends, brothers. They work together and help each others. The power of friendship is evident in this. Everyone should try to make friends throughout their lives.
At this point, I am also one of the happiest people in the world.I have a loyal and dear friend. We have been the closest friends for 8 years.There are a lot of people who are passionate about our friendship. I appreciate all the beautiful qualities of my friend and want our friendship to be eternal.

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