Value of life

  • Abdullayeva Farzona Hikmatullayevna

It has been raining in one of Breut’s narrow streets since Wednesday. The tireless rain has always dropped the mood of the street members. Anthony Dreyzer, a well-known critic of the street, after a short break he want to go to the cafe in the morning. He put on his long cloak and went out to the street with his hat on his head. He was imagining along the way: now he goes to the coffee shop, as always goes to the table 17 in front of the window, and drinks and controll the cafe’s diary … He came to the door of the coffee shop and said, “Damn it!” Unfortunately, today was Sunday and the coffee shop was closed. On top of that, it was raining. Anthony, stepped back. Finally, he moved to the shelter. Anthony waited for the rain to slow down in front of an unfamiliar house. At that moment, an strange event happened: the door of the house opened and a woman who white as pale, appeared on the doorstep. Anthony shuddered to see him. Not everyone could be intimidated by such a cold person.
-I’m, I’m …
The woman pointed inside with her hand. … Anthony, who was watching the outside at the hotel window, just tried to look at the room. In one corner of the room there were two vibrating courses, a table adapted for one tea, medals and orders, and a shelf with ancient items. There are about twenty photos on the wall. Anthony looked at the pictures on the wall, and a ghost-like woman entered the room and handed him one of the coffees in his hand. Anthony took the coffee and did not thank. There were various pictures on the wall: a captain with several orders in his chest, a woman holding a flower, a military with a rifle, a couple of babies, a girl, a woman, a woman herself, three or four family pictures, and so on. Anthony recognized the girl in one of the photos. He saw him on the bridge last day.
– Is this your daughter? -Asked Anthony.
-Hmm …, replied the woman, as if she were lifeless.
-Where’s one?
– SHe died of disease for a six months ago … I loved him so much … (she was crying). There we were sowing grain for the birds. We would buy grain without melting and sprinkled with the birds. It was Anna’s favorite hobby.
The coffee cup in Anthony’s hand fell to the floor and shook. The conversation was over. The woman looked at Antony and was scared. Anthony was pale and frozen as a board .
When he ran out, the rain was still raging. Anthony ran to the bridge.After he arrived, he sat down. The rain was washing away his tears. Anthony remembered last day. Anthony’s mother lived in another city, and she didn’t go to see her mother. He would say the rest for a long time, and he would make an excuse. He recently went to the city on a job and saw his uncle. His uncle slapped him in the face and said his mother had died a month ago and that he had not even attended the funeral. Anthony’s mother had just taken the letters written by her in the mailbox. It was impossible to read the pages that were in the rain and wet; They were torn. But when he read the incomprehensible word, he realized that his mother’s eyes were very dim, her hands were trembling. His mother wrote that she missed. Also she collected and sent her moneys for him. Anthony was very young and hated himself. He went to the bridge to kill himself; He wanted to throw himself into the river. But he saw Anna there.
– Do you want to do it?
-Yeah .
-Please, don’t die. Millions of people want to be in your place.
– Have you seen the chagles? -… – They dive into the sea every day to avoid starvation. I’m not going to make them die!


Abdullayeva Farzona Hikmatullayevna was born on October 17, 2007 in Sariosiya district of Surkhandarya region. He is currently a 12th school student in the district. Interested in literature, poetry, reading. Many of the stories have been interpreted to the public. Young reader contestant. He has completed more than 50 works of art and novels. The winner of the “Letter to my mother” competition. He has also taken honorable places in the competition of essays such as “The Constitution – the Foundation of our Happiness”, “The Secret to Happiness”. He took the 1st place in the competition “Uzbek folk folklore” hosted by the school of the harmonious generation. He is also a member of the Indian International Organization All India Council for Technical Skill Development.

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