I miss you, I miss you

Gaybullaeva Maksuma Asadavna

Destinations close to the heart are far away,
My body is full of charms.
My heart is broken, my eyes are closed,
I miss you, I miss you.

The distance between us is far,
Life has set us a trap.
I was speechless,
I miss you, I miss you.

My heart is attached to your tongue,
My choice is only for you.
There are tears in my eyes from my suffering
I miss you, I miss you.

From a distant land, gently
I miss you.
Let me be the light in your eyes
I miss you, I miss you.

Gaybullaeva Maksuma Asadavna was born on August 6, 1970 in Bukhara region. Her first poem was published in “Bukhara Evening” newspaper.
Member of “Дуня таланттары Одағы”, “Turon Artists” and “Double Wing” funds.

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