I grew up in your womb.
Paradise in Uzbekistan
I loved the beatiful from the bottom of my heart.
I called it my homeland, from the heart.
My free land, my independent country,
My soul is dedicated to you
Always cheerful, happy
I love you beautiful land.
Gving my life for you
Praying every morning.
It is true that there is an angel in heaven
Angel mother on earth!
Working day and night
Burning for his child
He who supplicates to god
As an angel mother on earth!
If they are near you, when you are paying attention,
You wile be lucky because of his prayers
Praying and asking for happiness.
As an angel mother on earth!
If you are sick, you have a headache,
Thinking of you, my heart breaks every moment.
Paradise is the only example
As an angel mother on earth!
NURULLAYEVA RANO. Hewas born on September 13.2007 in Denov district of Surkhandarya region. Now busy with creativy.The first author ‘ s book of our creator was published under the name ” Denov’s young creative daughter “. It also has about20 international sertificates.Also, the author ‘ s creative works have been published in many antologies, such as ” Kalb gavhari ” ” Collection of creators ” ” High flights “

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