EVA Petropoulou Lianou

I am a maudit soul
Loving the impossible
Waiting the smile of your face

I wish
I could be the daughter of
A king
To send you
Gold and diamond s

I am a hurted soul
I cry the days
I missed your kiss
My body in pain
U never touched

I lost so many chances to hold you
I touch your lips
Just a night
I will keep this
As my most beautiful memory

I am a lonely soul
Looking for a partner
That Will never be affraid

The key to open….the tresor
Only Hope


Poetry unites people

Grateful to great Poetesss from Italy
Stephania Stefania Miola ,for giving me this hounour and translating my poem

He Will succeed

He will succeed

He will succeed
Any day or night
You tell him
It is a fantasy
An impossible dream…

He was fighting
Every minute
Every month
Every year

For every bad word
Bad advice

For every pain he felt
For every night he spent without sleeping

He will succeed

For every No
For every hard time
For every difficult day

He will succeed
He will find the strength
Come out in the light

His heart full of joy
And happiness

He will succeed
He will celebrate

All those years
Of sadness
All Those tears
Of unhappiness

He will forget
He will move forward

He will succeed
He will win his battle
Because he has a warrior heart!!!!

Translation in italian
By the great poetess
Stephania Miola

Ci riuscirai

Ci riuscirai
In un giorno o notte qualsiasi.
Ti diranno : “È una fantasia – Un sogno impossibile…
Tu combatti
Ogni minuto
Ogni mese
Ogni anno
Per ogni insulto e cattivo consiglio.
Per ogni dolore che hai provato
Per tutte le notti trascorse senza dormire.
Ci riuscirai.
Per ogni no
Per ogni momento difficile
Per ogni giorno difficile
Ci riuscirai
Troverai la forza
Il tuo cuore verra’ alla luce
Il tuo cuore sará colmo di gioia e felicità
Ci riuscirai e
Tutti quegli anni di tristezza
Tutte quelle lacrime di infelicità
Andrai avanti

Ci riuscirai
Vincerai la tuaa battaglia
Perché hai un cuore da guerriero!!

A poem for HUNGER

Eva Petropoulou Lianou

My teeth hurting
Hunger at the morning
At the afternoon
Late at night

Human eat human
With their eyes
Their ears
And want it more
After left the bones
In the middle of the street

A virtue that can kill the most kind man

is the curiosity of the life of the other
As i have no life
As i have no interest in creating A better future

Learn to eat and eat
To the others houses
When they are not in.

Learn to leave
In their shadows
I wonder why we must use forg or spoon

Is much better with my hands
My white innocent hands
Eating words
Eating news
Eating lies
Eating promises
Eating like the tomorrow will never come
The past will never end….

Eva Petropoulou Lianoy
Author children’s literary book

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