With all my affection and respect for you, warrior woman, worthy, example of love and struggle; for you that with respect to yourself you carry high the title of WOMAN.

For those hands that work, that love and heal,
for that strength that makes you a warrior and not a victim,
for that ability to be a partner and companion,
but also being the head of the household and a single mother,
because having a man or partner on the side is for love
and not because of weakness, sexuality or need
he honored you woman because you give yourself fully,
to your children unconditionally and with all the love,
he honored you woman because you give balance between woman and professional,
because you keep the heart of society alive, which is the family,
in balance you give yourself with respect, strength and complexion,
you know how to be a daughter, mother, wife, companion, friend and sister,
you give everything even though sometimes you keep nothing,
your strength lies in your love, faith and hope,
you are great, you always bring out the warrior caste,
being a father and mother doesn’t scare you if it’s for a fair reason.
being in a couple, they are partners in equality and harmony,
you are the voice and the result of generations struggle,
women who from the bowels demand respect,
today his cry begins to have answers,
just a friend, young man, don’t ever forget her footprints,
we do not seek equality because we are different in nature,
it’s not behaving like machos in a miniskirt,
it is knowing how to be a woman with femininity, respect and freedom,
is to have a work, school and home equity,
it’s being a woman with the heart, smart with the reason,
respecting each other, acting with dignity,
I honor you woman, for being able to love and,
for your ability to fall, heal and rebuild,
because you are and will be the heart of humanity.
Feminine, strong, confident and dignified woman.

Leticia Guzmán

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