
Erkinova Charos Elbek

I hold your heart in my hand
I didn’t miss a moment, from my smile,
I write poems with your heart,
Enjoy every moment of life!

I hold your heart in my hand
Blood does not flow, pain does not eat
The pains are indescribable
because I hold it!

I hold your heart in my hand
We are writing beautiful poems together
We are talking about beautiful feelings
They will surely remember us!

Calm like you, full of excitement
The moon envies us at night
Selfless like you, breathing devotion,
To a nice person like you.

He is not quiet for a moment, sometimes he is quiet,
Waves and ripples like the sea,
When the wind sings, the wind listens quietly,
Who can stop him?!

The birds are his disciples,
Just like me.
It will take your life
just like me

“Take a picture” the heart seeks,
No one has seen you
Where can I find it, my eyes ask
Stop these questions!

Maybe your picture is in all the poems
It is placed, it is drawn strangely
Maybe it’s everywhere
Kezar, looking for descendants.

It is clear that it is clear that
Your soul wanders in my soul,
Your heart writes “epic” in my hand
I feel your aliveness.

O creativity, should I say poetry?
Do you have a name?
I’m looking for it while I’m alive
You are alive in my dream

The pen in my hand is your heart
Your words are my soul
Who is there without him?
You will die, you will remain dry.

Here is your picture
I vowed to be a poet,
Because in every committed heart
As long as you live, there is pain!


Erkinova Charos Elbek‘s daughter was born on November 13, 2008 in Navroz neighborhood of Pastdargom district of Samarkand region.
Currently, he is a 9th grade student of school 105.
He studied English, Russian, Korean and Uzbek languages.
Samples of creativity are regularly published in the international website “Lowercase Reality”, Kenya Times, Raven Cage Zine, Seoul Times, Diaspora Times, ChaOS and many other international magazines.
“Uzbegim Dilbandlari”, “International Literary Anthology”, “Muhabbat va Soz” and actively participated in the anthologies published on Amazon.
Member of YUKSALISH organization.
Official Member of the Association of Volunteers of Uzbekistan.
Official member of the Golden Wing organization.
Member of the People’s Democratic Party Young Volunteers team.
Member of EVH organization.
Official member of Juntos por las letras literary organization.
The holder of the State certificate in the 2nd season of Shohida Yusupova’s personal development competition.
Winner of the “Best Article” contest
Actively participated and won many contests and competitions.
Holder of more than 15 international certificates
Attended about 10 personal development classes.
A reporter for The Seoul Times.




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