Tyran Prizren Spahiu


He was born in Kosova

University education at the University of Pristina – English language and literature.

Tyran wrote six novels and over four thousand poems.

Winner of many awards

– Pegasi Albania declared him poet of the year

– Bardi III – League of Writers of Kosova


…silence of mankind weighs on the poor conscience

testify modern slaves owners are not aware of this

they continue to dance the dance of hungry wolves

one day dance of guilt and shame will be felt in their inner voice…


There, not too far away, they are bombed

beyond, flow rivers of drugs 

near, the fire of hatred is kindled

by, faith and the given word have lost meanings.


Forests are stripped from nature’s monsters

the poles of the glaciers surrender to the whims of mankind

number of wild animals also decreases

when the short-sighted being of the earth will be enlightened.


Religious hatred sails waters of the raging ocean

racial discrimination takes medieval form

the riches of the gaseous nature ceaselessly threaten

burn, destroy, kill that’s what you are capable of.


Slaves of wealth plunder the human race

wretched capitalists blackmail breath of the descendants

multiply sophisticated androids

let us hope globe is not going to an end of existence…


(poetry lacks soul)

I easily entered the poetry building

rusted iron caught my attention

they had placed the broken anchor on the book of literature

what is happening in our castle!?

Drawers overflowing with witty notes and poems

artificial intelligence has poked its nose in

robotics break down the last quality frontier

a value of the common man is also lost.


The penultimate wave of wisdom arrived

literature, ministry of health and normality collapse

logic of consciousness surrenders to aggressive attacks

author’s creativity is ultimately defeated….


Bitter tasting impressions

IRON ROBOTICS keeps on going the poor party

human dignity surrenders to lethargy

feelings are usurped by injustices.


I have neither time nor patience to put up with robots

creatures seeking to make feeling less history

I’m looking forward to getting out of the reality

impatient to go back to dream the beautiful daily duties.


Today again calls me idea of red blood 

having a single sip I feel under the influence

this is the power that arrests 

in this duel I am always the defeated.


Even during the day when I stay in my room

when peace requests my pen

inner voice of loneliness commands

do write a poem about summer of romance.


Like a butterfly enjoying the spring refreshment

I entered calmness of the basement past

opium of the bottles awakened memory of youthful days

more than silent I approached nectar bottles.


I will no retreat from the idyll of life

while lights illuminates basement of the castle

glass in my hand leads me to the oasis of happiness

grabbing the barrel of quality wine covered with many spiders.


Kingdom of silence surrenders to surprise

first drops of nectar are poured into the glass

fragrance of heaven spreads into one direction

even the air tastes intoxicating wine inspiration.


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