
Cities of love

Cities of love By Elena Ananyeva Assemble your city with a mosaic of foreign lands Of shards falling in a waterfall.…

2 years ago

Writings by Jakhongir Nomozov

Jakhongir Nomozov is a young Uzbek poet. He was born in 1997. He has been writing poetry and journalism of…

2 years ago


BAUDELAIRE AND THE BREEZE Rodolfo Zamora Corea Of my bastard verses Her hips moved violently, lulled by the roar of…

2 years ago

Writings by Zahro Shamsiyya

EPISODES OF NIGHT Grasshoppers chirp with a loud voice As if Tashkent is being boiled in bowl. There, far away,…

2 years ago

Writings by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

Provisions Follow the Man Imperceptible baby wails find no home in such closets of grand illusion, a drafting table angled…

2 years ago

Writings by Francesco Favetta

Writings by Francesco Favetta Italy (Sicily) 🇮🇹 Learn to love wounds Continue the story in the folds of time in…

2 years ago

Poems By Lora Pak Kim

Three Poem by Lora Pak Kim 1. I will fill up my heart with more love I will fill up…

2 years ago

Writings By Solihov Ibodullo

1. Understand There is no love by heart in this soil, And non-loyalty this world does spoil Hearts have been…

2 years ago

Poems By Haroon Rashid

Time and us Time is passing by and with that I am passing too Have many questions to ask to…

2 years ago

Writings: ETERNAL

ETERNAL By Radka Atanasova I spring up from the abyss. From the Infinity. From where there are no senses. I pant.…

2 years ago